Weston Tooling

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Weston Tooling |  Collets

ER Collets

ER Collets to DIN6499
Invented by Schaublin
Made famous by Regofix

Extra sizes available:
ER11 now up to 8mm
ER16 now up to 12mm
ER20 now up to 15mm
ER25 now up to 20mm
ER32 now up to 25mm
ER40 now up to 32mm

ER Collet Sets

Collet Sets

ERVGD Sealed Collets

ER Collets sealed for thro' tool coolant feed
Rubber seals across slits of collets.

ERUP Collets

High Precision Collets
Maximum Runout 0,005mm

ERMD Tap Collets

ER Collets for holding taps.
Square drive transmits torque.

Weston Tooling |  Collets